Devopsdays Warsaw
![Devopsdays Warsaw](
Get yourself there!
Once again we're hosting devopsdays event in Warsaw, Poland, thanks to Proidea that takes care of organization.
I'm member of the programme committee - that means, that I had chance to work with great guys on reading, accepting and filtering talk proposals as well as setting up the final schedule.
So what'll be there? Actually you should see yourself - the schedule is full of various talks. Thanks to that attendees will be able to expand their knowledge - following the true devops learning path.
Ignite talks
If you feel like adding something, you wanna to show something - you may submit an ignite talk so you'll have your 5 minutes on the stage. Great opportunity for all of you that something to say.
Open spaces
We'll organize also open - spaces discussions. Idea is that you write down on a white - board subject / problem that you'd like to discuss with others, then those proposals are voted and those with most number of votes are chosen. Later we gather in small groups discussing upvoted topics.
Registration is still possible.
There's also FAQ section where you may find answers for not that obvious questions.
Last but not least - we'll have a before and after - parties. Actually those events are best place for meeting and talking to speakers about anything. Speakers usually open themselves during those kind of parties, so don't loose your chance! :)
See you there guys!