Override DNS records with BIND and Response Policy Zones
What this is about
I'm hosting my own BIND server on my local network. It's a caching - resolving server, that speeds up my whole home network.
It works across couple of VLANs and provides different views of DNS zones.
However I have couple of public domains (e.g. lasyk.info) which are hosted in public DNS providers (in this case it's Cloudflare). And I can't use BIND zones there.
So now I have a service.lasyk.info hosted on my local network but the A record for this service setup in Cloudflare is my public IP address of my home network. And I can't access it from within this network because I don't have such complicated routing setup (and I don't want to). Basically I'd need to route my requests to this local service outside of my network and then back inside. Quite stupid.
So I want to do some magic with my local BIND and make it override some of public DNS entries. E.g. this service.lasyk.info should return A record pointing at local IP address.
And this is exactly what Response Policy Zones in BIND are all about. All over since 2010 :)
So, how?
It's simple. In you BIND server (at least 9.8.0 version) simply define new zone:
zone "rpz" {
type master;
file "/etc/named/overrides.rpz";
notify yes;
# also-notify { ip.of.your.secondaRy.DNS; };
# allow-transfer { ip.of.your.secondary.DNS; };
# and in options section
options {
# your other options go here
# ...
# ...
# overrides zone:
response-policy { zone "rpz"; };
and define this zone file:
$TTL 600
@ IN SOA localhost. root.localhost. (
2018120300 ; serial
1h ; refresh
30m ; retry
1w ; expiry
30m) ; minimum
IN NS desi.ns.cloudflare.com.
IN NS sean.ns.cloudflare.com.
service.lasyk.info A
service2.lasyk.info CNAME google.com
Now after restarting BIND server you can dig it to make sure it's overriding service.lasyk.info name with IP A record defined above.
You can also define custom logging channel for this RPZ zone in your BIND config:
channel rpz-queries {
file "/var/log/named/queries-rpz.log" versions 10 size 500k;
severity dynamic;
print-time yes;
category rpz { rpz-queries; };
That's it. Very simple and effective. I didn't know about this feature, as I learnt most of my DNS skills from DNS and BIND, 5th edition that was released in 2009 and covered BIND 9.3.2 and above feature comes with 9.8.0