MySQL replication over SSH tunnel

Sometimes it is a good decision to replicate between datacenters. It is not for a backup purposes – as replication cannot be used for backups (maybe under some circumstances, but let’s say that for now We’re not thinking about replication as backup solution) – for now We’re using it to just have up2date data in some other datacenter.

General idea to set up this replication is to make a SSH tunnel between those two datacenters and then start transferring data using this secure transport layer. I will call “replication server” – the server that will be slave in our destination and “the master server” will be our master.

I won’t write here how to set up a replication from the scratch. Let’s say that for now there are at least two ways to do it without stopping mysql master (using another slave to take data snapshot or using Percona Xtrabackup).

Firstly we have to start SSH tunnel. We have to ensure, that this tunnel will keep alive trough any connection problems and will not be killed due to an idle (how come when there is replication stream over this?).

Let’s start with ensuring that our tunnell will keep alive. In SSH client configuration (default: /etc/ssh/ssh_config) We should add the following:

ServerAliveInterval 300

With above server maintaining the tunnel will send some keep-alive request every 300 seconds to the master (destination) server.

Now We have to open MySQL port on the master (destination) server on WAN interface. This is not secure unless We filter source IP address trying to connect to this port (let’s allow only our slave’s server IP addr. to use this port). For maximum security We can use TCP Wrappers on the master (destination) MySQL server, but this will put some overhead to the server functionality as TCP Wrappers always use some DNS resolution. In my opinion filtering MySQL port based on source IP address is enough.

Now We can start our tunnel:

ssh -p 2345 -f [email protected] -L -N

Let’s explain:

  • -p 2345 – port We are using to connect over SSH (default 22, but should be changed to something else for standard security reasons)
  • -n – SSH will go to background just before command execution. Make sure, that You have SSH keys exported to the master (destination) server from the slave server / user and You will not have to enter any passwords during creating the tunnel
  • -L – turns on port forwarding – this is the core of creating SSH tunnel
  • -N – “do not execute a remote command” – just because We are just forwarding ports :)

Now We can test this tunnel. Let’s try to connect to MySQL master from the slave server:

mysql -h -p 4406 --user=replication

We should be able to connect to the master server with above command. And If We really did – then We can use this connection to start the replication.

This is very simple method that should be wrapped with some monitoring, scripts that will create SSH tunnels automatically when the original tunnel dies or after server crash. We should also remember, that replication lags can be quite high using this technique – everything depends on connection quality and number of writes on master that will have to be replicated on slave. In order to tune this method of replication It can be good to use statement-based replication – because in many cases this method use a bunch less number of kilobytes to transmit replication data to the slave.
